How do I make my own unlock?

How to make your own appearance unlock.

  1. Navigate to wos-renegadesquad-xxx/lua/wos/prs/role-sys/unlocks.
  2. Create a new file, or skip to the next step if you want to use a file that already exists in the folder.
  3. Add the below block of code and fill in the fields with your own content.
    Name = "My Cool Appearance",
    Description = "Got that Gucci on my body, now she tryna pipe me, woo.",
    Cost = 100,
    RequiredRoles = { "My Cool Role" },
    RequiredCerts = false,
    Model = "models/player/guccimane.mdl",
    BodyGroups = {
        [5] = 1,
    PostModelLoaded = function( ply, model )

How to make your own kit unlock.

  1. Navigate to wos-renegadesquad-xxx/lua/wos/prs/role-sys/unlocks.
  2. Create a new file, or skip to the next step if you want to use a file that already exists in the folder.
  3. Add the below block of code and fill in the fields with your own content.
    Name = "Boom Kit",
    Description = "For an extra boom to your zoom",
    Cost = 100,
    RequiredRoles = { "Mingebag" },
    RequiredCerts = false,
    LoadoutKit = { "weapon_rpg", "weapon_flechettegun", "gmod_tool" }

How to make your own operator unlock.

  1. Navigate to wos-renegadesquad-xxx/lua/wos/prs/role-sys/unlocks.
  2. Create a new file, or skip to the next step if you want to use a file that already exists in the folder.
  3. Add the below block of code and fill in the fields with your own content.
    Name = "Armor Upgrade",
    Description = "+10 Armor",
    Cost = 100,
    RequiredRoles = { "Mingebag" },
    RequiredCerts = false,
    OnSpawn = function( ply )
        ply:SetArmor( ply:Armor + 10 )
  • RSS, Unlocks, Roles
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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