Installation and Configuration

Installing the Content

Before you begin installing the addon you need to install the required content here:

Your players will also need the content, so make sure you add it to the WorkshopDL.

Installing the Addon and Configuring the Essentials

There are a couple of configuration options you need to configure before usage, otherwise, the experience may not be optimal for your server. Although the addon will work right out of the box, it may not work the best or to your liking without configuring. Do the following in this exact order:

  1. Download the DLL off of the package's page
  2. Drag and drop the DLL according to your server's OS into your server's root directory lua/bin folder
  3. Download your package and extract it
  4. Drop the folder you get from the ZIP into your addons folder.
  5. Go to the lua/wos/prs/config folder in the addon.
  6. Configure all files in the allegiances, certif, general, roles, and squad directories.

Allegiances are found in the: lua/wos/prs/alleg-sys/allegiances folder.

Certifications are found in the: lua/wos/prs/certif/certifications folder.

Roles are found in the: lua/wos/prs/role-sys/roles folder.

Unlocks are found in the: lua/wos/prs/role-sys/unlocks folder.

  • RSS, Installation, drm, Content Pack
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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