Viser taggede artikler 'RSS'

 How do I assign other people and myself certifications?

How to assign other people certifications: Hold c, and right-click a player. Click view...

 How do I create a certification?

wOS.RenegadeSquad.Certif:RegisterCertification({     Name = "Gucci Certified", --The...

 How do I create a role?

How to make your own role. Go to your roles folder:...

 How do I create an allegiance?

How to make your own allegiance. 1) Navigate to the following directory:...

 How do I make my own unlock?

How to make your own appearance unlock. Navigate to...

 How To Disable The WiltOS Chat Advertisement

How to disable the wOS chat advert Navigate to lua/wos/prs/config/general/sv_config.lua Find...

 Installation and Configuration

Installing the ContentBefore you begin installing the addon you need to install the required...

 Required Content

Mount the following addon onto your server [wOS] Renegade Squad System ( Content Pack ) -...