Crafting 8
Anything involving config with the crafting system
Errors 10
Find solutions to common issues here
Lightsabers 22
Anything involving config with lightsabers, force menu visuals, or forcepowers
Skills 8
Anything involving config with the skill system, trees, leveling, etc
wOS ALCS Controls
Changing Stance
To change stance, hold down your USE key and press PRIMARY...
Force Powers
Defaults Force Powers of ALCS
Force Leap
Jump longer and...
Hook Manifest
Hook Name: wOS.ALCS.GetSequenceOverride
Function: Overwrites sequence being played...
How To Disable The WiltOS Chat Advertisement
How to disable the wOS chat advert
Navigate to lua/wos/advswl/config/general/sh_serverwos.lua...
Installation and Configuration
Section One: Preparing Your ServerBefore you begin installing the addon you will need to prepare...
New DRM Info
Installing DLLs for DRM
How to install the dlls
This information is crucial to your experience...
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wiltOS Technologies - Advanced Lightsaber Combat System PackagesPadawanPrice - $50.00 USD
Required Content
Please mount all the addons in this collection on your server:...